I have been working paid jobs since I was fifteen. Where I'm located that would not be normal. Most persons that work early would typically work during the summer holiday I would work on weekends to earn a continuous stream.
When that became too hectic with the increased assignments at school I turned to Christmas and summer options. This was clearly a big jump and I grew unsatufifed with the flow of finances that I generated for myself during that time. With that, I had to create ways to fund myself while physically at school. Things such as being paid to do the assignments of a person, selling snacks and reselling wholesale product at a higher retail value. As you may imagine this might have been against the rules but I would be lying if I said this wasn't my favourite way to make money.
However, that experience as a young entrepreneur did increase my appreciation for money, brand image, teamwork and collaboration. I'm almost twenty one now and I'm still working and incorporating voluntary service into my resume. One thing that have learned now that I wish I had a better understanding of when I was younger was the obligations of my team leader or employer. Not only would that help me transaction from each post better but I would have been able to speak up for myself.
Things such as when you start working, they should explain the nature of your job and explain their expectation of you and not expect a minimum from you due to your age. They should let you know to whom you report to and be able to guide regarding the tasks that you are required to perform. And if not the most important thing to ensure that the environment is a safe place to work.
As I venture on my journey I wish you all the best in yours and if you wish to learn more about me please click on the following link at your own leisure https://flow.page/hartaleeguthrie