Sometimes you may feel like your financial goals aren't attainable but they are. Don't allow yourself to become overwhelmed about where you are financially and how long it might take to reach your financial goal. Instead, practice clarity through mentally breaking down your goal into progress steps to help you achieve your goal. Then tackle them bit by bit until you have achieved your goal! Saving to some people can only be done while they are earning excessively but that is far from the truth. Saving can take the form of increasing your source of income and not increasing your expenses or spending less than usual.
No matter where you are in your financial lifecycle, making some extra money probably sounds like a good idea. How can we do this 🤔
Apply for paid ambassadorship programs that allow you to utilize your strongest assets. Whether it's you're tactical creativity, mobile transport, your persuasion or people skills
Think ahead! This one may take some research but can lead to innovation. Think about what persons or businesses will need in a few months or even a year based on the economic, political, environmental and social changes that you expect.
Monetize your social media platforms. Promote other businesses or create sponsored posts for a fee.
Teach or tutor persons. If you have knowledge or experience in a certain area, there's probably someone willing to pay you for it because they don't understand.
Start a small business selling goods that you make or buy.
Offer freelance media or marketing services with flexible hours for your schedule.
Now you have created a new stream of income for yourself. How much of it are you retaining or reinvesting into yourself? Here are some tips to retain a portion of what you earn.
Bring lunch to work school and instead of ordering takeout. Google a new recipe and try it! You can even tum it into a fun little competition with your friends.
Cut back on those subscription services that you hardly use. No more pouring your money down the drain.
Tum on the post notifications and sign up for the email listings for businesses that you like to shop with so you don't miss a sale. You can also look online for promo codes!
Take advantage of the company's or shool's health care benefits for your check-ups, prescriptions or emergency trips
Sign up for bank accounts that don't overcharge you! The Victoria Mutual Building Society (VMBS) has a great debit card that doesn't charge WHEN you swipe at ANY ATM or point of scale margins. Every little bit adds up!
REMEMBER $50,000 IS JUST ($5,000) XIO
With a continuous effort to put aside a portion of your acquired funds (whether its a personal grant, your salary or the money received from a loved one) you can attain your financial goal. You got this!!